Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Bitty Baby Wish List

Ohh second child... How I have learned about the real needs of a baby... not.

The first time around I registered for lots of Rufflebutts and cute little hooded bath towels, only to find that infants who can't walk aren't quite as cute as toddlers who can walk and show off those ruffles.

Also, cute little hooded towels are nice, but what is also nice is a CLEAN towel, and I think with two under two even that may be a stretch. I know now that a white onesie that is bleach-able and a nap are pretty much all you need to survive.

OK, so this may be tacky, but I'm not above tacky sometimes. Anyone that really knows me, know this.

I'm going to expose my expertise as a mother (all of the joking) and neediness/greed in one post! Lucky everyone!!

Here are thing things I'm considering (or have) registered for the Littler Miss McCants

1) Ergobaby Swaddler
Now this is supposed to be one of the new "IT" things out there. It Houdini locks the babe's arms in there, has a crotch thing to prevent hip dysplasia, and apparently has amazing fabric.

I'd say that middle baby is a little concerned about whats going down right now. Look at those eyes.

Last time we used a few different types of swaddles for the Bigger Miss McCants and in the end found our mainstay in a fleece swaddle me that I have a hard time locating in brick and mortar store. Plus it will be THE HOTTEST of summer when Virginia is born, so we're going to try something new.

2. Bouncy Seat

obviously (right?) without the non-McCants baby inside

We were lovingly leant a stationary lamb-seat thing similar to this with MM, and honestly she hated it 99% of the time. Only when she was close to 4 or 5 months would she give it the time of day. I think the movement with this one may be more appealing to the new highness. Who knows, I'll be a first time mom to THIS baby and she will certainly throw me for a loop.

3. Jenny Lind Crib

So, we already have a crib, actually this EXACT ONE for MM, but the thought of her running around or throwing things into Virginia's crib or whatever really scares my already tight maternity pants off me. We plan on them sharing MM's tiny room when Virginia is about 3ish month. And my plan is to get MM the toddler bed railing thing, so she can keep her crib for AS LONG AS POSSIBLE.

4. Ergobaby Newborn Insert

Baby Cocoon, check.

We had registered and received a Baby Bjorn when we had MM, and we used it all the time, but on a trip to Boston I wanted to wear MM on my back which isn't possible with a Bjorn, and I like the forced correct hip placement that the Ergobaby enforces.

5. Cloth Diaper Army

I'll take every color please

I'm not going to say that we're going to do all cloth with Virginia (actually I can guarantee we aren't). But since I will have 2 kiddies in diapers for a while longer, it would be nice to have a better stock. Also we love us some BumGenuis, honestly we've only tried a few brands, but these have been our go-to's since we started the cloth journey.

6. Double Bob Running Stroller

Really, just pretending to push one of these really scares me

I know it's SOOOOO cliche' thing to have a BOB, but we use ours with MM all the time, and I promise I do actually run with it. You can ask... well a few people, who have seen me running with it. I know that I don't need it immediately because fo-sho I won't be running right away and also, I can wear Virginia while we walk for a while.

6. Kiddo Bookshelf 

Because I have big dreams of making our "Guest Room/ Charlie's Old Office" into a playroom/ room where Gran can sleep. So, to make that dream happen we need to do some serious re-arranging of pretty much everything, books included.

7. Mama Pads

If you really want to know what these are all about, do some research, I'm not going to tell you about them here. But I imagine they will feel reeeeeaaaaallll nice on the specific area they will be, touching...

8. Little Giraffe Pillow and Blanket

I believe they make these in adult sizes

MM was given these as a gift and she uses them every night. Seriously the pillow can put her almost directly to sleep. If it has that effect with Virginia I'll take 20.

OK, so that was painless for everyone right? If not, that's fine.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I hadn't seen the ergobaby swaddler until now and I'm allll kinds of coveting it! My daughter is VICIOUS with her arms and manages to break free from everything else we've tried... I might have to shell out the $$$$ for this one! Thanks for sharing!
