Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Catholic Woman's Almanac

Not that I'm a true "Catholic Woman"

We'll just say "Catholic Family" Almanac 

::Moments of Gratitude -- Thankful for my husband, who is quick to get up to rock Mary Margaret back to sleep at 3am, who will get up to get me a glass of water when I am certainly able bodied (I really just don't wanna see the mouse), and who will send me sweet texts through out the day even when I'm bad at sending them to him.

::Pondering  -- Why Mary Margaret got up at 5 am this morning and wanted to play until 7 am and then crash hard... Also, why MM hasn't done a #2 in close to a week.

::Praying  -- For our friend in the Hospital, for friends having babies, for friends going to PhD interviews. 

::Cooking  --  Nothing, we had pick up Whole Foods salad/ hot bar last night and I have no idea what's for dinner tonight.

::Wearing  -- It's going to rain today, so I broke the "Dress down Friday" rule and took it again today. Target Jeggings, Old Steve Madden boots, Target v-neck faux wrap shirt, Target Cardi with a-many stains on it.

::Creating  -- A department-wide newsletter for work. Obviously working hard on it.

::Going  -- to 3 weddings this year... that I can DRINK AT!! We went to 3 last year, but I was pregnant and more pregnant for all of them. This year I will be able to fully enjoy the events!

::Reading -- Well I'm supposed to be reading my book for Social Marketing class, but that rarely happens...

::Memorizing  --  The words to this parody of the Thrift Shop song.

::Listening to  --  Foo Fighters Radio on Pandora

::Wandering Around the Web  -- To keep myself from eating lunch at 11:00 am.. That's not too early right?  

::Liturgical Living  --  Giving up meat, booze, and a few other things for lent... Charlie gave up 40 books from his ever expanding library as part of his Lenten offerings!!. H

::Around the House  --  Honestly, nothing is getting done. Maybe a little laundry now and then. Ohh and I am suspect we have another little friend in our kitchen = me constantly freaking out.

::Looking Ahead  -- We are looking forward to Charlie possibly getting more responsibility at the school where he's teaching
. Ohh and a little thing called GRADUATION!!! Please and thank you.   

::A Glimpse

Getting ready in the morning wore her out

Please take a trip over to Suscipio and visit the other daybooking ladies!


  1. Hey, get back to work!!


    I had to buy the Thrift Shop song after you solved that puzzle for me. Dang those catchy songs.

  2. Oh that baby pictures is adorable! Doesn't the morning just suck it right out of all of us too? Only we don't look so dang cute!

  3. I agree with Jenny. Your daughter's photo clutches at my heart!

  4. Best photo ever. What a beautiful little girl! (and how much more gorgeous are they when they are sleeping!!) Love your blog!
