Friday, December 7, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday

I thought I would be like these other cool people and start doing the 7 Quick Takes Friday

1. Mary Margaret and I are trying to work our way through Friday Night Lights mostly because it's an awesome show and she has a new love for the TV. I'm sure this is something we're going to have to work though in the coming years. I'm telling myself it's just the colors and not the trash that I sometimes watch.

2. The three of us, Mary Margaret, Buckley and I went for our first "those who stay at home" walk on the Greenway. It went surprisingly well, and Mary Margaret only cried for a few minutes total. She mostly liked to look around and be cute.

Exhibit A

3. We have been having Mary Margaret say her "I Love You" to us all week. I'm going to concentrate on "Mommy" next week. It is amazing how she gets a big smile on our face when we start "talking". 

4. I have repeatably been finding spit up under Mary Margaret's endlessly developing neck rolls. They are cute, but if I don't think about it, they may become a science project under her nose.

aforementioned neck, can you imagine how soft these are?

5. MM and I spent the majority of Thursday in Durham, I passed my 6 week midwife appointment (giving me the go-ahead to go back to spin class, YAY!!), we went to visit daddy at school where we celebrated St. Nicholas' Day having prosecco and cheese with in Paul Griffiths' office. We then went to the sweet Clem house to see if the little Clem girls would be willing to treat Mary Margaret as their baby doll twice a week next semester. I think we have a winner!! 

6. Tuesday I had the daunting task of hosting the New Mom's group of Sacred Heart Cathedral over to our house. I also didn't think ahead enough and had no doggy care for Mr. Buckley. Mary Margaret received a B+ for her behavior and a C+ for her eating (refusing both the bottle and the boob, great) but once I started wearing her around she was great and fell asleep on me. It was a great time and the babies all did a great job. 

7. Charlie is on the FINAL stretch of his second to last semester in school. He has been working incredibly hard, and has been struggling with not being around as much as he (or I) would like. But come Monday evening (?) he should be done and we can have him all to ourselves (except for Thesis writing) until the beginning of January. 

Extra: One perk to being at home on Maternity leave, other than the obvious... was to watch Ellen everyday. I was horrified to turn on our semi-free cable to see that NBC has NO audio! I can only lip read to what Ellen is giving away at the 12 days of giveaways and how wonderful Mrs. Timberlake's wedding was! GRR!

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